Darius Stevens’ award-winning film, “De Vuelta a Casa” (The Way Home), is a heartwarming story of Ricardo, a young business executive who returns to his hometown in Puebla, Mexico, to scatter his grandfather’s ashes. The film has received 47 awards and over 80 nominations in various film festivals, but more importantly, it has left a significant emotional impact on its audience.
Exploring the Deep Emotions Portrayed by the Film
“De Vuelta a Casa” was born from Stevens’ vision during a road trip to Puebla, Mexico, where he was captivated by its beauty. The film’s emotional storyline and stunning cinematography, shot across seventy-four locations in Puebla, Mexico, have resonated with audiences globally.
The film’s message is simple but powerful: cherish your loved ones while they are still alive. The pandemic has taken a significant toll on people worldwide, and Stevens’ hope is that the film provides solace to those grieving and encourages viewers to appreciate their loved ones.
In fact, the film’s emotional impact has been felt by many, and its message is timeless and universal. Also, it’s not creepy, in contrast to any “Fast and Furious” movies trying to deliver a similar message.
The emotional journey of Ricardo is reflective of many people’sexperiences who have had to face the loss of a loved one.
The Importance of Casting Choice
Casting choice is a fundamental aspect of any successful movie. It is paramount to select the perfect performers to accurately capture the emotions needed for any given scene. An astute casting choice can bring a script to life, breathing life into the characters and the movie’s overall atmosphere. It can also add a surprising level of depth to the characters and their interaction with one another.
For casting, Stevens opted for actors based on their physique, technique, and range. His casting decision of being more selective certainly paid off! His choice of actors allowed for an increased level of realism, providing a more meaningful experience for viewers. The actors he chose were able to bring the characters to life, enhancing the movie’s overall impact. It was thanks to his expert casting choice, the movie was able to resonate with viewers on a sentimental level.
Director’s Journey
Darius Steven’s passion for cinema and storytelling began at a young age, as movies served as an escape from his family’s low-income struggles. He started learning the process of filmmaking at eight years old and continued to study it throughout his childhood. Eventually, opened his own production company and worked on numerous projects worldwide.
Stevens recalls, “The old Vista Theater near the corner of Hillhurst and Sunset was on my walk home from school every day, and even though I couldn’t afford tickets, the theater owner would let me into showings and have popcorn if I helped clean the theater afterward and here I was exposed to a lot of international and art cinema that I never would’ve seen otherwise which made me realize cinema wasn’t just the excitement of the summer blockbusters but a massively important art form that could change people’s perception about the world around them.”
Darius Stevens’ passion and dedication to filmmaking has led him to create this awardwinning film. His journey to success was long, but it has been inspiring and rewarding. By the time he was thirty, Stevens opened up his own production company for commercials and industries. He has traveled the world and worked on thousands of projects, learning to do everything independently.
As earlier mentioned, De Vuelta a Casa has received eighty to ninety nominations and forty-seven wins in the festival run so far. However, Stevens is most focused on the audience’s feedback on the film. He hopes that the audience will take away a message of appreciation and gratitude for their loved ones. He basically wants them to “treasure these people while they are here because you don’t know when they might be gone.”