We love a clothing brand that empowers women, and Roxy Aguirre, founder of clothing brand LoveRoxy, is releasing her new brand to the public very soon. Roxy has been working tirelessly on her brand and discusses her journey with us.
LoveRoxy was inspired by Roxy’s journey of self-love. She discusses how as women, we are put in many different roles, such as daughter, mother, and girlfriend. Despite these different roles, Roxy wants women to never forget who they are as individuals. It’s okay to be sexy and confident, and to have your opinion and speak your mind. Roxy’s focus is to give women the option to feel sexy without feeling judged.
“I want my brand to be classy,” says Roxy. “That’s where the “sexy” comes in as something more clean, charismatic and more elegant. I believe in elegance, I believe in design, and I believe that it’s a line that you try not to cross so the designs can stay tasteful.”
Roxy has traveled a lot throughout her life and those travels are another inspiration for her brand. After living in multiple countries, she has gained a lot of perspective about herself and other people. She has also gained perspective about society and the things out there that you can use in your favor.
Throughout her journey she has learned not to judge other people and has become a very strong, independent person. She also strongly believes that you can be an independent woman but still love to be around, and work with, other people. While working with others, she always remains true to herself, her beliefs and her goals.

Roxy is sure to never lose her identity, and she has a strong sense of self. She wants to emulate this in her brand, sending the message to stay true to yourself and love yourself. This is the reason for the name LoveRoxy. Roxy is working hard to release the brand’s main website and plans to release the official brand very soon.
Roxy’s message to women is, “I want to give other women strength, confidence, and sexiness, and I want them to be comfortable with who they are. And don’t be afraid of things because life is so busy and you have so many roles.” She then continues to say, “It’s okay to be sexy or what you consider sexy, it’s okay to be elegant, it’s okay to have many roles.”
Women empowerment and what it means to be a girl is all the rage right now. The recent Barbie movie shined a light on expectations on women and all these roles we are confined to. The movie sent a message that women can be anything they want and that it’s okay to mess up and contradict yourself. What’s important is keeping a strong sense of self and having self-love.
Roxy’s brand LoveRoxy is the perfect representation of this. Despite all the struggle women have had to go through and all the push-back we get, it’s refreshing to have a brand that understands the struggle and embraces it in the best way. It’s time to embrace the strength of women and never forget to love yourself and LoveRoxy.
Written By : Grace Lammers